The Adventures of Matt & Velvet Pt. 1 

One of our volunteers has determined that the black mare, Velvet, will be his new best friend at the farm. Matt has been with us since the beginning and has probably put in more manual labor than us girls combined at this point! All the animals like him, and he likes them all too, but he has a special place in his heart for Velvet. He’s had a couple lessons, and the two seem to be bonding well. 

Matts first lesson was catching his chosen mount from the herd. Velvet will usually come of her own accord, unless Tobie thinks you’re out to catch her. In which case, she’s the ringleader of “catch me if you can”. Now remember, Tobie doesn’t like to work up a sweat. This little game is played at a fast walk, and after a few minutes she usually gives in with a dramatic sigh, or two.  I taught him about intentional, and nonintentional energy and how to mirror the horses' movements instead of trying to chase them, halter held out like a weapon. The next few lessons were spent on grooming, tacking, and riding basics in the round pen. They did so well together I decided to take them out on a ride with Tobie, and I to mark a beginner level trail ride route. 

 It was smooth sailing until we got to our first couple of trees to mark. I dismounted and looped my arm through one rein giving verbal instruction as I went. Although, I realized quickly that Matt hadn’t heard me. I looked over to where they’d stopped to see Velvet headed right up the trail, without Matt. He hadn’t noticed yet, so I called out to him, “Your horse is trail riding without you Bud!”.  He looked surprised, and then proceeded after her. The old donkey, Sugar, had come along as well, and had followed Velvet up the path. As I trailed them on Tobie, I heard a nicker in the background, and the thundering of hooves. Here came Gibbs flying after us. He must’ve realized at some point that his herd had left him behind. Tobie, and Velvet ignored all this commotion like good girls, and Matt was able to remount without issue. We managed to get the next few trees tied with markers in a more productive manner.  

Matt had decided to try a shorter mesquite sapling while still mounted. Velvet decided that it was an uncomfortable position to be in and moved forward causing Matt to drop his ribbon. While he circled back around, Tobie rearranged herself to snack on a tree I was attempting to tie. During that repositioning I caught sight of Sugar, happily munching on the ribbon that Matt had dropped. I quickly dismounted and raced to dig it out of her mouth. I was successful, and we tied the slippery, but still intact ribbon to our intended sapling. Gibbs had wandered off during all of this but must’ve realized about the time I finished tying the drenched ribbon, because I heard another nicker in the distance, and the thundering of hooves again.  

With Gibbs rejoining the group, we continued and managed to make good progress over the next 10 minutes or so. We came to a bigger oak, and I asked Matt to mark that one, while I moved over to mark a different tree. I tied my marker and looked over to see that Velvet had snapped a rein. I’m not sure how this occurred in the first place, but the scene unfolding was too amusing to care much about the rein. Matt was trying to tie the rein back to the bridle in its proper place. Velvet was trying to eat a lower bushel of leaves on the oak tree and wasn’t being helpful in the least. Gibbs had come over and was inspecting Matts work, putting his big muzzle right in the way. Matt was politely communicating with them both that they were being most unhelpful.  About that time Gibbs turned his affections to Velvet and began gently lipping her face. Velvet in turn pinned her ears slightly, and lipped him back, again causing Matt to lose his grip on the leather tie. Tobie was happily standing, and munching on leaves, not caring at all about anything going on around her. Sugar was attempting to eat another trail marker but moved away when I shouted at her about it. She seems to know she’s doing something wrong, when you shout her name in a certain tone. Matt finally managed to re-tie his reins, and we continued.  

We came to an area that looks like a long dried out, and unfinished man-made tank, or pond. I thought climbing the tank dam might be a little bit of a fun surprise for the beginners, so we picked out two trees to mark, and went to it. A few seconds into tying my marker, I heard some crunching, scuffling sounds behind me. I turned Tobie and looked over to see Matts boot hanging in one stirrup by the toe, and Matt flat on his back beside Velvets front leg. I said, “You, okay?!”. To which he responded that he was okay, and that his camel pack had broken his fall.  Velvet only looked mildly interested when he landed beside her leg, and then went back to snacking on the nearest forage. Sugar, Gibbs and Tobie stood by unfazed while they enjoyed a quick bite as well.  

We made our way back to the barn after that, Gibbs and Sugar following behind. The mares enjoyed a good dirt bath after being untacked and set free. Gibbs, Streaker and Sugar patiently waited for dinner to be served. Matt is optimistic about his future as a horseman still and is looking forward to more adventures on Velvet!  


Our First Farm Fun Day!